Lkk Vegetarian Stir-Fried Sauce 510ml

Lkk Vegetarian Stir-Fried Sauce 510ml

Nguan Chiang Supreme Light Soy Sauce 4300ml

Nguan Chiang Supreme Light Soy Sauce 4300ml

Mp Sweet Chilli Sauce 730ml

  • Sweet chilli sauce with chilli and garlic
  • Product life:- unopened: 24 months and opened: 3 months
  • Store in ambient temperature, in a cool and dry place
  • Refrigerate after opening
Availability: In stock

Sweet chilli sauce with chilli and garlic. Product life:- unopened: 24 months and opened: 3 months when kept in airtight container. Store in ambient temperature, in a cool and dry place, away from direct heat and light. Refrigerate after opening.